A rich education in the arts increases the chances of pursuing higher education and getting better jobs by 17.6%, reducing the chances of falling into unemployment by 10% (“Good morning creativity” report from the Botín Foundation.
We are helping after-school programs to devise didactic activities in the visual arts, based on our experience in the use of interactive multimedia tools and audiovisual production, to create new didactic content.
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence improves self-esteem, helps build healthy relationships, reduces emotional stress, and can increase a child's receptivity to learning.
We want to motivate minors to attend after-school programs and to actively participate in them; For this we are designing the next generation of emotional intelligence activities that take advantage of a wide range of new visualization technologies, interactive multimedia, and other tools integrated into the activities in order to promote a more creative and interesting experience.
Our intention is to create activities that allow children to be the protagonists in a long adventure in which they acquire the social skills necessary to prosper as happy and productive people in society.
According to a study in American Scientist, The 95 Percent Solution, only 5% of scientific learning takes place in the classroom.
• The challenge for minors at risk of social and economic exclusion is to ensure that they are exposing themselves to relevant and meaningful scientific experiences when they leave the school environment.
• The challenge for after-school centers is to develop activities that are feasible for them in terms of time and resources.
We are developing activities based on the “project learning” system with a scientific focus and personalized for extracurricular teaching. Our goal is to make these activities affordable by integrating virtual and open source science tools within the curriculum.