Fundación Sanders is a non-profit organization, born in 2010. We develop new generation social and emotional learning activities, rich in technology to improve the educational experience in after-school programs that help minors at risk of social and economic exclusion.

Robert Lee Sanders (President)
BS Chemical Engineering. MBA in Finance from DePaul University of Chicago. General Manager for Fundación Sanders.

Christopher Clapham (Vice President)
HND Business and Finance, Suffolk College, UK Entrepreneur, Energy Director for Crosslane.

Nicole Papai Rosow (Secretary)
BA in International Relations from Tulane University (New Orleans, LA, USA), M.S.Ed. from the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA) and was the founding Director of a community center for 12 years working with at-risk children and families.

Victoria Andrews (Patron)
BS Psychology, Master in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, Chartered Psychologist M- 26945 Founding partner of Sinews Multilingual Therapy Institute.

Rafael García Meiro (Trustee)
Degree in Law and Degree in Business Administration by Pontificia Comillas University (ICADE E3). IESE Business School Postgraduate. Formerly: Strategy Business Consultant in Accenture; General Manager for Telefónica in Cisco Systems; Professor of Carlos III University. Currently: Director B2B Indirect Channels in Telefonica.

Gloria Meseguer (Patron)
Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Seville. MBA in Senior Business Management for Experienced Executives (MEDEX) by the Institute Pan American High Business Management (IPADE). Previously: Audit, Internal Control and Consolidation at Abengoa, S.A. (Seville, Spain), Director of Audit and Internal Control at Abengoa México, S.A. (Mexico City), Attention Coordinator the CNMV-PGR-TESOFE in the SAE (Service of Attention and Disposal of Goods) in Mexico City. Currently: Internal Audit at Iberdrola S.A. (Madrid Spain).

Patrice Burns (Patrona)
Licenciada en Comunicación y Español en la Universidad de Wisconsin (EEUU), Máster en Filología Española en la Universidad de Marquette (EEUU). Directora de la Oficina de Orientación al Empleo, Universidad de Saint Louis-Madrid.

Pablo Fernández Martín
(Coordinador del área de educación y tecnología)

Regina Valenzuela Cebriá
(Graphic designer and web developer)

María Posada
(Equipo educación)

Malen García
(Equipo educación)

Nieves Maestro
(Equipo educación)

Mariana Ruiz
(Equipo educación)

Xiaotong Yu
(Equipo educación)

Elena Ajluni
(Volunteer support and English Program)

Zahara Garbajosa
(Voluntaria de actividades digitales)

Sebastián Ginés
(Voluntario de actividades digitales)

Daniel Hernández Cabezudo
(Digital Activities Volunteer)

Paula Sánchez Cabanas
(Digital Activities Volunteer)

Souhail Madani
(Computer Language Volunteer)

Miguel Ángel Vargas
(Estudiante del Máster Universitario en TI y CEF)

Lucas Moreno Muñoz
(Digital Activities Volunteer)

Hunter Baldridge
(Saint Louis University Digital Activities Volunteer)

Abraham Martinez Arribas
(Computer rehabilitation volunteer)

Julio Berzal Pérez
(Computer rehabilitation volunteer)

Luis Alberto Solís Fernández-Gil
(Computer rehabilitation volunteer)

Juan Zamora Lozano
(Computer rehabilitation volunteer)

Luis Castillo
(Estudiante del Máster Universitario en TI y CEF)

Omar Salgado Redondo
(Digital Activities Volunteer)

Ana Ruedas Torralbo
(Digital Activities Volunteer)

José Luis Pérez Sebastián
(Computer rehabilitation volunteer)

Pablo Alberruche Lucas
(Computer rehabilitation volunteer)

Marcos Cortes Lerín
(Computer rehabilitation volunteer)

Contribute to the educational development of minors at risk of exclusion through the implementation of technology that supports socio-educational intervention programs after school hours.

• Establish a solid relationship of trust with the sponsors / donors based on the evidence of the efficiency in the use of economic resources and in the return at a social level that extra-curricular educational programs generate.
• Offer an open platform with digital activities of proven quality that guarantee a better response to the needs of minors within the context of socio-educational intervention after school hours.
• Existence of a collaboration network of entities that develop support programs for minors at risk of exclusion to share experiences and good practices in all areas.

Collaboration We promote the open exchange of ideas, practices and resources between different cultures and social and educational agents as a formula for achieving synergies that enrich personally and professionally, and increase the quality of the intervention.
Efficiency We have the ability to manage resources and skills in a balanced and flexible way, achieving the greatest impact on the development of children through digital projects.
Innovation Technology is necessary to bridge the digital divide and to provide new digital tools. It would be expensive to incorporate traditional arts and science programs without the use of technology. Also, we are investing resources to incorporate digital components in project-based learning and emotional intelligence in order to increase the motivation of minors.
Opportunities We believe that minors at risk should have the same possibilities for their integration, participation and social well-being. We work for equal opportunities especially in education to promote healthy social and personal development.