Digital workshops
Highly motivating and innovative to enhance the link with new technologies.
"Project-Based Learning" (PBL) is an emerging educational methodology with a great impact on learning based on the process of carrying out a project through a set of tasks performed collaboratively and relatively autonomously.
Taking advantage of the effectiveness and the great diversity of competences that the PBL brings into play, we have developed a series of workshops ready to be implemented inside or outside the classroom.
What to expect ...
Our main objective is to make each workshop in a simple way for teachers or educators to implement it, to be fun and effective as a learning tool for children. Each workshop includes an easy-to-follow tutorial that explains the learning objectives, the curriculum, and the necessary materials. We also publish an interactive online learning guide designed especially for minors to use during the workshop and as a reference tool outside the classroom, they can also share it with their family.
Each workshop provides several hours of instruction that can be expanded or adapted based on the needs or goals of the educator. Enjoy!!!
Testimony of a member of the Audiovisual team
“Hello, I am Lorena, a fellow of the Audiovisual team. We love working with you and with children. These workshops are fun and we want to make sure it is a great experience. Count on us!"

Radio Workshop
Children learn to write, practice and record their own audios that could be a news story, interview or special investigation.
The learning experience focuses on the principles of journalism and provides them with the opportunity to practice and perform their piece.
Minors can record and broadcast their work on our online radio platform accessible to other Spanish and international minors radio programs to add realism and emotion to their experience.

Video Workshop
Lights Camera action! In this practical course aspiring film directors will learn the skills to make their own film. Working in small groups, the children will become directors, screenwriters, filmmakers and editors of their own short film! This is the most dynamic experience and in learning skills that we offer for minors, the technical teaching of the camera, script, recording, editing and pre-production.
The workshop teaches the basics of working with locations, costumes, hair and makeup, and rehearsals. Then it's time to shoot your movie, edit the motion pictures, and record a movie soundtrack!

Photography Workshop
Minors have a unique visual awareness and natural emotion about using photography to capture the world around them. This workshop uses simple techniques to guide children through the journey of using photography to tell stories, share their unique perspective, and communicate to the world the differences they see.
The workshop explores different photographic techniques and ideas, allowing minors to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from our guide, themselves, and their peers. Through editing and criticism, children learn to think critically and express their thoughts and feelings. These discussions provide a platform to acknowledge each and every opinion, thereby building a sense of self-worth and respect for others.